We've provided a selection of useful calculators below. Please note that whilst the calculators are accurate, they perform generic calculations that do not take into account your individual circumstances. They should be used as a guide only and not relied upon.
Please also note we do not store or see any of the information you input to these calculators.
Estimate the size of mortgage which may be available to you.
Calculate your mortgage repayments on a given mortgage amount for a specified interest rate.
UK News
Official figures show the economy grew by 0.1% in November, although that was lower than had been expected.
The job losses at the oil giant will affect more than 5% of its global workforce.
A rail watchdog wants passengers who make genuine mistakes to be treated more fairly.
It hoped to turn 60,000 roadside green cabinets into chargers - but now says it will focus on wifi instead.
A full daily service to and from Dublin is planned but one of the two ferry berths remain closed.